If you have been following this blog you have gotten a glimpse of my story. You have heard some of what drives me and what I am attempting to do daily in my work with people and some of why I started this blog. I want to take just a few minutes to make it more clear why I am taking the time to write about life and leadership and in some posts focusing on cliches. Continue reading “Not So Gentle Reminder”
Month: June 2015

Father’s Day Reflection 2015
I will never forget the call I got from my Dad the day the above picture was taken. With a quiver in his voice he said something like, “I just spent the day with the woman that played a major role in making it possible for you to be my son…Rosa Parks”. This is one of my favorite pictures of my Dad. It does not capture his true essence as my Dad, but captures a humble moment in his life and one that meant something incredibly deep and personal to him. I simply can not imagine what my life would be like without the deep influence of this man. Continue reading “Father’s Day Reflection 2015”
Be Cliche’
I have heard many people use the word cliche. In most instances it was used to describe something marginal. Or, to put something in a negative context. The usual. Boring. Average.
By definition a cliche is: A phrase or opinion that is overused and lacks original thought. Again, seemingly negative, right? Continue reading “Be Cliche’”
URGENT! Got something to say?
I didn’t. And, you shouldn’t.
I had been back and forth from Minneapolis to Philadelphia 3 or 4 times and every time I was told this could be the last time I would see my Dad. But this time was different. Something told me it would in fact be the last time I saw him. The night and morning before I left were the hardest hours of my life up to that point. And the question I asked myself was “What was I going to say to him?”. Continue reading “URGENT! Got something to say?”